We love Australia

Posted 23 December 2011

Australia is such a beautiful country and the people so friendly. We sailed from Bundaberg to a small town called Shorncliffe about 5 nm north of Brisbane. We enjoy our time with Morgan although we had some bad weather.

We love it here, but we also had to make some of our hardest decisions here. Since the year 2000 I enjoyed the liveaboard lifestyle and coastal cruising, but blue water sailing is pure and simply not for me, so the options available are: sell the boat in Australia, ship the boat to Vancouver or Dinis sail the boat back to Vancouver. As every body knows Dinis suffers from sea sickness but he is prepare to give it a try and singlehanded back home.

A job opportunity became available for me and Dinis encouraged me to take it. We decided that Dinis will fly home 3 or 4 times and I will meet him where ever he is on my holidays to minimize our time apart.

We wish all our friends a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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